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history of
PA 10


Red Knights PA Chapter 10 is a Motorcycle Club comprised of firefighters from the Berks County area who share the enjoyment of motorcycling while also helping the community. It was started by 6 charter members on January 20, 2003 in the hopes of the brotherhood of firefighters in the area would join together and enjoy their love of firefighting and motorcycles. While keeping their motto of "Loyal to our Duty", these firefighters help their community while keeping the brother and sisterhood of firefighting alive. This small group that started years ago still continues to grow and enjoy riding their motorcycles today.

Red Knights PA Chapter 10 became a non-profit organization (501(c )3) on March 12, 2019. Through fundraising efforts, we as Red Knights are able to raise money and give back to other Red Knights, Firefighters, and their families who are in need of assistance in the Berks County area. We have already helped several firefighters and their families in their time of need but there are so many that need our help. We help to ease some of the burden of our frontline community heroes who help our community every day during their times of need.

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Mission Statement

  • To promote motorcycle safety.

  • To project a positive image of motorcycling.

  • To enjoy the Community of Firefighters.

  • To engage exclusively in social, charitable, and educational activities directed at increasing the general understanding of, enjoyment of, competency, sportsmanship, and participation in the sport of Motorcycling.

John Walter and son at Wildwood Crest be
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history of
red knights

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​During the summer of 1982 several firefighters were visiting "Randy's Cycle Shop" in Boylston, Massachusetts and the subject of motorcycle clubs came up. Soon they were all grousing about the fact that law enforcement people had a motorcycle club known as the Blue Knights but there was no club for firefighters. After this tire kicking session, owner Randy Wilson suggested to Ed Wright, a firefighter from Northboro, MA, that he stop talking about the lack of a club and form one instead.

Recognizing a good idea when he heard one, Ed Wright went home that afternoon and made some hand printed posters inviting firefighters from the area to meet and determine if there was enough interest to form a motorcycle club.

On August 17th, 1982, Fire Chief Jack Pierce allowed a small group of motorcycle enthusiasts to meet in Northboro Fire Headquarters to lay the ground work for the formation of a motorcycle club.

​On October 19th, 1982, firefighters Colin Mackey, Bob Bourassa, Ed Wright, Roger Wentzell, Dave Hamilton, Bob Goulet, David Hunt, Jon Tripp, Don Parker, Norm Beausoleil and Chief Pierce met again. There was interest in promoting the positive image of motorcycling while enjoying the camaraderie of other firefighters. It was decided then that this group would be known as the Red Knights Motorcycle Club.

​News of this new club spread like a grass fire. In July of 1983, a chapter was formed in Connecticut. In October of that year a second Massachusetts chapter was formed. Soon applications came in from such distant places as Nevada and Louisiana. In August of 1983 the founding members realized the organization was rapidly growing beyond their original expectations. To properly handle this growth they elected a committee to serve as a National Board of Directors. With applications from Ontario and Saskatchewan, Canada, the club became the Red Knights International Firefighters Motorcycle Club.


As a result of the seed that was planted at Randy's in 1982, there are now more than 300 Red Knights chapters and 9,000 members throughout the world.


Visit the Red Knights International Motorcycle Club website to learn more.

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