Red Knights

Berks County Area, Pennsylvania

Attention Firefighters

Do you own or have access to a motorcycle?
Do you enjoy riding with friends?
If you answered yes to these questions then
Red Knights PA 10 Motorcycle Club is for you …
Enjoy riding with friends.
Enjoy the brother/sister hood of the fire service.
Promote motorcycle safety.
Expand on the comradery of the fire service.
Help other firefighters and their families.
Support and help the community.

Join Red Knights PA 10
There are two ways to join:
1. Online application - Fill out the simple form below and pay the one time only online application fee of $32.
2. Print and Mail - You can print the PDF form and send to the address at the bottom. A one time only application fee of $30 can be sent with the application.
There is a yearly due of $25 every December. For more information, please contact us.