Red Knights

Berks County Area, Pennsylvania

Red Knights
Member Information

To become a Red Knights PA 10 member is easy!
- Submit an application along with copy of current state driver's license and appropriate fees.
- Membership Committee will confirm your affiliation with a fire department and present your application for approval by the membership at a regular meeting.
Red Knights
Main Member Classifications:
Charter Member - An Active member that helped to start the chapter and/or has been on the chapter roster since the beginning of the acceptance of the chapter by Red Knights International.
Active Member - An active or retired firefighter that presently owns or has access to a motorcycle and a current legal motorcycle endorsement. This would include career, part paid, on call, volunteer, emergency medical technicians, medics, military or industrial and under command of a Fire Chief or Public Service Director.
Social Member - A member that is a spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, son, daughter, brother or sister, father or mother of an Active member, Associate member, or a Member-at-Large and is 16 (sixteen) years of age or older.
Associate Member - Must be proposed by an Active or Charter member. Can be a firefighter without a motorcycle license or anyone with a motorcycle license with access to a motorcycle that would like to help the cause. (Can only be 10% of total members)
Junior Member - A dependent child/children of a member that is under the age of 16 (sixteen) years of age. (No yearly dues for Junior Members)
Membership Dues:
Annual Dues are from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
Renewal Dues are due by December 15th of each year or a designated date in December.